A digital agency forFinisterre

Clothes and lifestyle brand FINISTERRE asked us to introduce them to a shortlist of world-leading digital agencies to redesign their e-commerce site.

Website design – digital – optimisation

We selected a group of digital specialists that could not only optimise FINISTERRE’s UX and UI, but enhance the brand’s status as a champion for the natural world.

FINISTERRE selected BUREAU FOR VISUAL AFFAIRS, who designed a seamless new digital experience that masterfully merges content and commerce.

Finisterre - website design. digital. optimisation - BVA ©️
Finisterre - website design. digital. optimisation - BVA ©️

“As a lean team in a rapidly growing business, we have limited time to scout and source digital agencies. By partnering with AUFI, that search was efficient and thoughtful. AUFI listened to our needs, and tailored a concise and considered agency selection. Our resulting partnership with BUREAU FOR VISUAL AFFAIRS helped us deliver an ambitious and successful website redesign, setting the brand up strongly for the future.”

Kayleigh Clark – Head of Ecommerce, Finisterre